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Marriage Allowance Claims


Claim back up to £1219 from HMRC today

Marriage Allowance lets you transfer £1260 of your Personal Allowance to your husband, wife or civil partner if you earn below the Personal Allowance.

If you work and earn above the Personal Allowance and your husband, wife or civil partner earns less than the Personal Allowance they can transfer 10% of their Personal Allowance to you.

This reduces your annual tax by up to £252 in the tax year it is applied. You can back date and claim any tax year since 5 April 2018. This means you can claim tax relief back for 4 years.

To benefit as a couple, you (as the lower earner) must normally have an income below your Personal Allowance – this is usually £12,570.

You can check if you are eligible to claim in 30 seconds by using our tax calculator below.